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Preface Publisher’s Note

About this Edition.

Better Git Started: An Introduction to the Command Line, GitHub, and Git was written by Ian Curtis, a senior at Grand Valley State University and Editorial Assistant for the GVSU Libraries. This text was developed as part of the Accelerating Open Educational Resources Initiative at Grand Valley State University 3 , with support from the University Libraries and the President’s Innovation Fund.
This edition is released under a Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike license (CC-BY-SA 4.0 4 ). This allows users to use, share, and adapt the work as long as they provide attribution to the creator(s) and apply the same license to any derivative work or adaptation.
The code used to generate this book can be found in the author’s GitHub repository 5 . This includes the PreTeXt XML files, figures, customization files (XSL), and the output (HTML and PDF). Contributors are encouraged to submit an issue or a pull request with changes, especially regarding accessibility (as mentioned below).
Suggested Attribution: Better Git Started: An Introduction to the Command Line, GitHub, and Git, by Ian Curtis, published by the Grand Valley State University Libraries, 2022.

Accessibility Statement.

The Grand Valley State University Libraries strive to ensure our tools, devices, services, and environments are available to and usable by as many people as possible.
The web version of Better Git Started incorporates the following features to support accessibility:
  • All content can be navigated by use of a keyboard
  • Links, headings, and tables have been designed to work with screen readers
  • Code in PreTeXt is rendered with separate blocks so they can be understood by using screen readers and/or other assistive devices.