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Section A.3 For Linux Users (*)

I don’t have much experience with Linux distributions but a quick search online has informed me of the following information. You are responsible for determining the exact steps needed to implement anything.

Subsection A.3.1 A New Shell: fish

Many computers rely on the bash shell to do most of their work. Mac computers now use zsh as their default shell. Shells have their own unique aspects and differences and frankly, it doesn’t really matter which shell you use unless you have a good technical reason to change. Shells are pretty advanced and I honestly don’t have much information to provide other than what a Google search can do since any shell will work for the content provided in this book.
That being said, I do recommend the shell fish 58  which is advertised as available on Linux distributions. This shell brings more nice colors, autocomplete (it will recommend as you type!) and, in my opinion, organizes the information on your terminal quite nicely. Once installed, you should be able to use the command fish_shell which will open up a web interface with settings.