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Section D.1 General Commands

Here you find a list of commands that can be used at the command line anywhere (and aren’t necessarily associated with Git).
Used to find the present working directory (i.e., the current active folder).
Used to change the active directory (folder) in the terminal. Requires either the file path to move into or .. to move backwards one level.
Used to list the contents of the active folder.
Used to create files. Also requires the filename and file extension of the file you wish to create.
open (or start)
Used to open a file, folder, or application using the defualt application/service
killall (Mac only)
Used to close an entire application
Used to create a new folder. Also requires the name of the folder to create.
Used to remove a file (without warnings). Also requires the file name and extension you want to remove.
Used to remove a folder (without warnings). Also requires the folder name to remove.
Used to clear the terminal screen and bring the cursor back to the top of the window.
Used to open files or folders with the application VS Code.