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Section C.2 Uh Oh, I Committed Too Early!

We’ve all been there. You add all the files you need, double check to make sure you aren’t missing anything, commit with a message and suddenly remember a file you should have added. Never fear, git reset is here!


You will only need this command: git reset --soft HEAD^1. It should be safe to copy/paste this command directly into your command line and run it.


git reset gives no output so it is super important to check that the command worked with git status (Git Procedure 4.4). If everything worked, you should see output as if you had used git status after a git add step.
Depending on how many commits you made, you may need to run this above command more than once. If so, make sure to use git status after each try!


Your previously staged files should still exist. From this point, use git add to add your missing file(s) and proceed with git commit.